Walt Disney World through the pandemic

One of Disney's key pillars is safety and the Disney theme parks have worked hard to help guests remain safe during a global pandemic.  Travel Planner Christopher Blades shares his experiences at Walt Disney World over the last year.Over the past year, I have visited Disney three different times and have seen Disney throughout Covid-19. I will say first and foremost that Disney has done a wonderful job to ensure the safety of their guests and cast members. I have never felt safer in the Disney bubble than when I went in August of 2020. I was extremely nervous with Covid and when we entered Disney  property I felt as if there wasn’t a global pandemic. Yes, we had to wear a mask and social distance, but it felt as if the magic of Disney made it feel more normal. When we exited the Magical Express, we were greeted by a group of cast members welcoming us back. This was an amazing experience and one of many touches Disney made.

I recently visited in June of 2021 and of course Disney amazed us with their attention to details. At the beginning of the trip we had to wear masks on rides, indoor experience and on transportation. This was similar to trips before but we didn’t have to wear masks outside which was nice. Half way through our trip we were allowed to not wear masks unless on transportation which made a huge difference. Disney paid great attention to this change and made sure all rules were being followed. I would say Disney definitely took care of its guests and cast members throughout the last year. They seemed to take a global pandemic and add magic back into it with what was given to them.  Ready to book your Walt Disney World vacation?  Reach out to your Goofy Getaways Travel Planner today.Blog written by Travel Planner Christopher Blades (christopher@goofygetaways.com)

Amy Fisher

Amy is the Social Media Manager of Goofy Getaways. She handles all of the agency’s social accounts and makes sure that everyone is up to date on the latest Disney News.


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