Lauren Levesque

Travel Consultant

Specialties: Disney Destinations, Sensory Friendly Trips

Hi! My name is Lauren ( everyone calls me lulu )

I have been a Disney enthusiast for many years ( childhood and adult! ) but when I truly fell in love was when I saw how much joy it brought to my family! My husband and I have 3 littles- 2 boys and 1 girl! Seeing Disney through their eyes brings us so much joy.

We understand the challenges with a family at Disney, especially families who have situations that may not be typical. Our middle son has ASD and ADHD that comes with a lot of sensory sensitive needs.

As a travel planner I love to talk with families on how to navigate these challenges and how to show everyone that NO matter what the challenge is- Disney is the place to be! Being able to share this knowledge and bringing the Disney difference to life with other families brings me so much joy!

I can’t wait to work with you!!! 

Favorite park with my family is Magic Kingdom, When my Husband and I are flying solo Epcot is my go to! 

Favorite ride is a tie! Flight of passage and Radiator Springs Racers

Favorite Restaurant is Akershus Royal Banquet Hall

Favorite Snack- I literally cannot choose just 1!

Favorite Character is Aurora 


Morgan Lind


Miranda Sams